How to Wash and Care for Your BJJ Gi to Keep It Lasting Longer

How to Wash and Care for Your BJJ Gi to Keep It Lasting Longer

How to Wash and Care for Your BJJ Gi to Keep It Lasting Longer

Your BJJ Gi is an essential part of your training gear, and proper care will ensure it lasts longer and performs at its best. Here are some key tips to maintain your Gi:

1. Wash Immediately After Training

After a tough session, your Gi will absorb sweat, dirt, and bacteria. It's important to wash it as soon as possible to prevent odor buildup and fabric damage. If you can’t wash it right away, hang it up to dry to avoid mildew.

2. Cold Wash Only

Always wash your Gi in cold water to prevent shrinkage and fading. Most BJJ Gis are made from cotton, which is prone to shrinking in hot water. A gentle, cold cycle will keep the fabric strong while maintaining its size.

3. Avoid Bleach & Harsh Detergents

While it may be tempting to use bleach to remove stains, it can weaken the fabric and damage the stitching over time. Stick to mild detergents that protect the fabric and maintain the Gi’s vibrant color.

4. Choose Delicate or Low Heat Settings

Dryers can cause shrinkage and weaken the fabric, especially if used on high heat. However, using the "delicate" or "low heat" setting can reduce the intensity of heat exposure, preserving the integrity of the fabric. Make sure to monitor the cycle closely to avoid overheating.

5. Prevent Stains

To keep your Gi looking fresh, spot clean any stains immediately. If you roll on mats often, your Gi is exposed to all sorts of bacteria and sweat. Treat stains before they set by gently scrubbing them with a mild soap.

6. Check for Wear and Tear

Regularly inspect your Gi for any loose stitching or fabric wear. Reinforcing weak areas early on can help prolong the life of your Gi, especially at stress points like the knees and collar.

By following these tips, you can protect your investment and ensure your BJJ Gi stays in top condition for years of rolling!

Learn more about BJJ GIs at 

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